Tiger got to hunt
Bird got to fly
Man got to sit and wonder 'Why, why, why?'

Tiger got to sleep,
Bird got to land,
Man got to tell himself he understand.

Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's cradle

This void - the possible Otherness is what sustains hysterical desire - this nonacceptance of the ultimate closure, this vain hope that the Other Thing is waiting for us just around the corner.

This Nietzschean "eternity" is to be opposed to being toward death. It is the eternity of drive against the finitude of desire.

Slavoj Žižek, The plague of fantasies

Maja Smrekar, Hybrid family, K-9 topology

Maja Smrekar, Hybrid family, K-9 topology

Doista, ako Želji nedostaje stvarni objekt, sama njezina stvarnost prebiva u 'biti nedostatka' koju stvara prisutnost fantomski objekt. Psihologija je savršeno ilustrirala Želju kao proizvodnju, ali proizvodnju duhova. Na najnižoj razini interpretacije, to znači da se stvarni objekt za kojim Želja čezne, sam po sebi odnosi na ekstrinzičnu prirodnu ili ekstrinzičnu društvenu proizvodnju, dok Želja intrinzično stvara imaginarnu zamisao koja ide uz stvarnost, kao da se tu nalazi 'zamišljeni objekt' ili mentalna proizvodnja koja stoji iza stvarne produkcije. (...) Tada je potreba definirana relativnim i utvrđenim nedostatkom njegovog predmeta, dok se Želja pojavljuje kao ono što proizvodi duha ili se proizvodi odvajajući se od predmeta, ali udvostručujući nedostatak dovodeći ga do apsolutnog , čineći ga "neizlječivom nedostatkom bivanja", "nedostatkom bića" što je onda, suštinski, život.

Deleuze i Guattari, Antiedip

Zoran Todorović, Agalma

Zoran Todorović, Agalma

The real is not rational, it is improbable and miracolous.


While waiting for it, we seemed to be playing the piano with boxing gloves on, in our world of stiff logic with our broad concepts.


You can't eat an image but you can fight to the death for an idea.

Michel Serres, The Parasite

He who likes to command can do so, but on one condition: the eyes of the producers, of the energetic and strong have to be poked out. Those who have energy necessarily cannot have information, thus, those with information can do without energy. Information is as precious as it is rare.


The master and the slave are never face to face.


The slave constantly looks for him but cannot find him.


In fact, the master is afraid, he lives as if he is hunted; he lies down and hides.


As soon as the master is master, he fears death and lives with death, the reality of its power.

Michel Serres, The Parasite

Siniša Labrović, Kažnjavanje

Siniša Labrović, Kažnjavanje

Siniša Labrović, Kažnjavanje 

Siniša Labrović, Kažnjavanje

'Sotona i ja', rekao je Steffens, 'šetali smo Petom avenijom zajedno kad smo vidjeli kako se čovjek iznenada zaustavio i ubrao komadić Istine iz zraka - baš iz zraka - komadić žive Istine.' 'Jesi li to vidio?', Pitao sam Sotonu. 'Ne brine li te to? Zar ne znaš da je to dovoljno da te uništi?' 'Da, ali nisam zabrinut. Reći ću ti zašto. Sada je to prekrasno živo biće, ali čovjek će ga prvo imenovati, a zatim će ga organizirati i do tada će biti mrtvo. Kad bi ga pustio da živi i da ga i on sam doživi, to bi me uništilo. Nisam zabrinut.'

Steffens L. (25, p.222) u Maslow, A.H. (1970.), Motivation and Personality

Margherita Pevere, Wombs, Stud,y Epithelial cells forming tissue, 2019

Margherita Pevere, Wombs

(Sanjin Kastelan)

Margherita Pevere, Wombs

Margherita Pevere, Wombs

Estetika opravdava nasilje, čini ga privlačnim, čini ga nevinim. Estetika je retorika u drugom mediju.

Marianna Nardini, Edipova koža, diplomski rad

The medium is the message.

David Cronenberg, Videodrome prema Marshall McLuhan

Marijan Crtalić, Living dead (globalizacija podsvijesti) 

Marijan Crtalić, Living dead (globalizacija podsvijesti)

Marijan Crtalić, Living dead (globalizacija podsvijesti)

Marijan Crtalić, Living dead (globalizacija podsvijesti)

The resemblance seemed perfect, the impression of reality and, if I may say so, of intense life which emanated from it was perhaps even deeper than I expected when facing the object. A subjective magnification can thus grow out of simple objective representation.

Reality is enriched by the image and image is enriched by reality (...) Realism is not only the real but the image of the real. (...) Baudelaire says "remembrance is the great criterion of art - in other words, that the aesthetic of the objective image tries to revive within itself all the qualities of the mental image.

Edgar Morin, Cinema and the Imaginary Man

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